The following statements define Prestige Car Imports privacy policy for website visitors.
- Prestige Car Imports does not collect personal information from visitors
- Prestige Car Imports does not use cookies to track visitor information
- No visitor information is released to 3rd parties
- Prestige Car Imports is not responsible for external links
Visitors’ Personal Information
Prestige Car Imports does not require any information from its visitors to browse or navigate its website.
Prestige Car Imports does not use cookies to track visitor information.
Visitor Communications
The Prestige Car Imports homepage gives visitors several options for contacting us. Visitors can contact us through our Contact Us form (link to contact us page) Any and all communications received by Prestige Car Imports from visitors are held in the strictest confidence and are never released to 3rd parties.
External Links
Prestige Car Imports homepage contains links to some 3rd party sites not under the control of Prestige Car Imports. Prestige Car Imports can assume no responsibility for the information or privacy of 3rd party sites.
Contact Prestige Imports
If you have further questions regarding Prestige Car Imports privacy policy or other questions, please contact Prestige Car Imports at:
Contact Information:
4/43 Launceston Street
Williamstown North, 3016
Ph. +61 456 782 466